Notices eProcurement System of Government of Tripura
The eProcurement System of Tripura enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.
Latest Tenders  
Tender Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. RWS / JJM / RIDF Scheme in North Tripura District under 15th FC/RWS Fund during the year 2024-25 19/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
2. Retrofitting of existing schemes under JJM in North Tripura District during the year 2024-25 23/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
3. RWS / JJM / RIDF Scheme in North Tripura District under 15th FC/RWS Fund during the year 2024-25 22/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
4. RWS / JJM / RIDF Scheme in North Tripura District under 15th FC/RWS Fund during the year 2024-25 21/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
5. RWS / JJM / RIDF Scheme in North Tripura District under 15th FC/RWS Fund during the year 2024-25 20/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
6. Retrofitting of existing Schemes in North Tripura District under JJM during the year 2024-25 24/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
7. Retrofitting of existing Schemes in North Tripura District under JJM during the year 2024-25 10/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
8. Repair/Mtc. of different water supply schemes under DWS Division, Kanchanpur 27/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
9. Repair/Mtc. of different water supply schemes under DWS Division, Kanchanpur 26/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
10. Retrofitting of existing Schemes in North Tripura District under JJM during the year 2024-25 25/EE/DWS/KCP/2024-25 25-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 25-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
Latest Tenders updates every 15 mins.    More...
Latest Corrigendums
Corrigendum Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. corrigrndum TSECL/Corp.office/24-25/02 Date 28/10/2024 07-Nov-2024 05:00 PM 08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
2. Corrigendum for modified the Eligibility Criteria and Terms and Condition for providing Manpower, Materials etc. towards execution of Sweeping and Cleaning Works. No.1(29)-GA(P and S)-Estt./2023 16-Nov-2024 06:00 PM 18-Nov-2024 11:30 AM
3. corrigendum 05_B_DNIe_T_SE-IV_2024_25 06-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 06-Nov-2024 03:30 PM
4. Extension of Date F3-13/TW/ACCTS/NAZ/2024-25 07-Nov-2024 04:30 PM 07-Nov-2024 05:00 PM
5. Corrigendum 09EE/AGRI/NORTH/2024-25 11-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 11-Nov-2024 03:30 PM
6. Corrigendum 24/EE/AGRI/NORTH/2024-25 11-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 11-Nov-2024 03:30 PM
7. corrigendum 09_BDNIeT_SEIV_PWD_202425 08-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 08-Nov-2024 03:30 PM
8. corrigendum 05_B_DNIe_T_SE-IV_2024_25 06-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 06-Nov-2024 03:30 PM
9. Notification1 F.6(446)/TREDA/2778 11-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 11-Nov-2024 03:30 PM
10. Notification 1 No.6(442)/PMKUSUMB/2909 14-Nov-2024 03:00 PM 14-Nov-2024 03:30 PM
  Latest Corrigendum updates every 15 mins.    More...
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